Weekly Livestream Classes

Learn more about our expert-led classes to support your journey into motherhood


There is so much information to absorb when you're planning to expand your family! Fertility suggestions, first trimester tips, all those weird aches and pains, the week by week descriptions of what your baby looks like, and then the questions of which childbirth class you should take, where to give birth, what your childcare options are, whether to stop working...the list goes on and on.

At Om Births we're ready to help! We have programs that are designed to support you throughout your entire journey from conception, through pregnancy, and all the way into the first few years of baby's life! We are here to meet as many needs as we can, and to connect you with good information when we can't. We look forward to being there for you whether you take advantage of all program offerings, or just pop in for the awesome yoga classes. Wherever you are joining us on this path, we have something to suit your needs. Here's a Video Profile of us!


A Yoga Class for Every Body & Every Stage!

Whether you're still trying to conceive, a first time mother, or you already have a couple little ones we have a class for you. Fertile body, Prenatal and Postnatal yoga all focus on mom's changing body and how best to support and strengthen both mentally and physically. If you want to bring your little one along, we have classes devoted to moms who want to hop on their mat in the company of their children from babies all the way through walking toddlers!

Mommy Sangha (Building Community)

Mommy Sangha is our most unique offering as it is a new moms group with discussion and meditation which is also available online if you're not able to make it to the studio.

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Fertile Body Yoga

Fertile Body yoga is a gentle body-led slow flow yoga practice with a restorative component. The breath is linked to slow movement to create mindfulness, which helps to relax the mind and bring awareness to the whole body. Restorative poses trigger our relaxation response. Together these practices can counteract the effects of prolonged stress, which often have a negative impact on fertility. Having the most fertile and receptive body possible, thus giving women a sense of control of their own fertility, is our goal.
Want to know more about Fertile Body classes? Click here


Prenatal Yoga

You're Pregnant! This class is designed to help women find comfort during pregnancy, connect with their community, and prepare for labor and birth. Physical postures (asanas), flowing sequences (vinyasas), meditation and breath-work (pranayama) help women relax and adjust to the physical, emotional and mental demands of pregnancy. Yogic philosophy and increased awareness can be invaluable tools during the birth process as well as when attending to a new child and a mother's own special needs during this challenging time.


Baby & Me Yoga

 This class is a gentle yoga class designed to help new Moms and Dads regain muscle tone, abdominal strength, and flexibility, which cultivating a peaceful, loving connection with the baby, and themselves. Postures stretch and strengthen tight muscles, while breath work, and relaxation exercises help students feel rejuvenated, and refreshed. Parents have a chance to interact with the baby during yoga practice, learning potential exercises to do at home. Please bring a receiving blanket for the baby to lie on, and any toys your baby enjoys. Due to the unpredictability of a baby's schedule, you may arrive up to 20 minutes late and still take class.


Mobile Babies Yoga

Looking for something to do with your now mobile baby? Mobile Babies yoga is a class where Mom's can expect to get some mindfulness, deep stretching, gentle movement and build strength in their bodies, while their babies have the opportunity to explore an open, safe space with age appropriate toys and have social time to connect with other babies (and of course be introduced to YOGA!). This class is built around mom's needs (think strengthening the core and stretching) while children are entertained by activities such as books, music and bubbles! It's also a great way to connect with other Moms in the community. Feel free to feed and change your baby or nap if necessary. Appropriate for Crawlers up to 3 years.


Postnatal Yoga

Want to get away and practice just for yourself? Our Postnatal classes are just for Moms looking for some quiet space to stretch and strengthen. Gentle vinyasa sequences taught at appropriate levels for all stages postpartum, with a clear focus on core and pelvic floor integration. The perfect transition back to your regular yoga practice, or something to continue as long as you like.

Baby Sculpt

Looking for a class built around building strength?! This is the class for you! Baby Sculpt is a full-body strengthening class, using props and light weight-training movements designed to tone, strengthen and increase flexibility, as always, babes are welcome so you won't need to worry about childcare. Baby Sculpt is the perfect compliment to your yoga practice plus building post-baby muscles to help you heft those little bodies around! Please note this class is for mamas who are at least 3 months postpartum. 


Prenatal & Postnatal In-depth Workshops

Om Births also offers a variety of workshops specially curated to help you conquer whatever stage of parenting you may be in. There's always something new to be learning in the world of expectant parents and our workshop offerings are designed to help support you in any way we can. Throughout the year, Bec Conant offers the "Hypnobirthing" series which can be a very valuable asset to add to your labor "toolbelt". We also take pride in joining forces with a variety of different guest teachers from "Spinning Babies" and "The Inhara System" to Infant sleep solutions and Mindful Parenting.  Along with our specialist workshops, Om Births offers a core workshop series with Calm Mom, Calm Baby, Calm Birth and Prenatal Partner Yoga to help you prepare for birth, and Ab Rehab post-birth to help you regain your physical as well as mental center.

I have taken both Bec's prenatal yoga classes and her Hypnobirthing
Bec is an amazing yoga instructor who really understands what is going in the body and minds of pregnant women. I feel very comfortable knowing that I am being guided by someone who really has amazing knowledge and insight into women's health. Bec's was also a fantastic instructor for hypnobirthing. It is very clear that she has taught the class many times and really believes in the Hypnobirthing methods. Since she has been a doula she has first-hand knowledge of the birthing stages and how to guide women to having the experience they want. I learned so much in these hypnobirthing sessions and feel very well prepared now for the birth of my baby. I highly recommend Bec.

~ Lauren

Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training & Certification


Looking to delve further into teaching yoga to mothers? You're in the right place. Our founder, Bec Conant, has been a leading name in Prenatal Teacher Trainings in Boston and can be found offering Prenatal Teacher Trainings throughout the city and beyond. At Om Births our goal is to offer a warm and welcoming space to all mothers, giving them the tools of mindful awareness, compassion, and strength throughout the journey into motherhood. Teaching yoga teachers about the special needs of an expectant mother helps us further our goal. 

Ready to become a prenatal yoga teacher?